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Community Content

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Articles and Reviews

Here is a collection of posts and articles to learn more about Starlight and other people’s experiences:

Recipes and Guides

Recipes are typically short, focused how-to guides that walk a reader through completing a working example of a specific task. Recipes are a great way to add new features or behavior to your Starlight project by following step-by-step instructions! Other guides might explain concepts related to an area of content, such as using images or working with MDX.

Explore community-produced content maintained by Starlight users:

Video Content

Discover videos and channels with Starlight content, including live streams and educational content.

Astro Videos

  • Play

    Starlight by Astro

    Watch the official Starlight launch video


    Watch Ben launch a new Starlight site in under a minute!

Community Videos and Streams

  • Building docs with Starlight and Astro

    Watch Chris and Alex dive into Starlight on Code with CodingCat.dev

  • Astro Starlight

    Introduction to Starlight in under a minute.

  • Astro Starlight Documentation Template (build custom app docs!)

    Get a new Starlight site up and running in about 5 minutes

  • Include Starlight docs in a Next.js project with proxies

    Set up Starlight as a sub-directory project inside a Next.js website

  • I Recreated Shadcn's Docs In 30 Minutes With This Amazing Tool

    In this video I go over what makes Starlight so cool and why you may want to give it a try on your next project.

  • Astro Starlight and emoji-blast with Chris Swithinbank

    Wherein Chris, the creator of Astro's Starlight framework-on-a-framework, walks me through setting it up for a new emoji-blast website. 🌟 🎇